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Age is considered a crucial factor in an individual’s changing care needs, however, there are other factors that should be considered. These could include mental health issues, illness or life’s pressures. As such, it is important for us to keenly observe our loved ones and any behavior changes that seem out of the normal. Today’s article looks into the tell-tale signs of changing care needs for our loved ones.
Frequent Falls
Falls are often as a result of worsening mobility and if they are happening frequently, it is important to look for scrapes and bruising. You will be able to tell whether you will need to make adjustments around the house or take up the services of a caregiver for their safety. Making adjustments for fall prevention could prevent severe or fatal accidents at home.

Mental Health Decline
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Mental and Physical Health Decline
If they are experiencing signs of depression, forgetfulness or poor decision making, it is high time you considered a change in their care needs. Such signs could be as a result of loneliness or stress. Weight loss or weight gain can also be a sign of changing care needs. It could be that they are neglecting proper nutrition or not eating at all. Companion care can be of significant help as the caregiver will double up in meal preparation and companionship.
Neglecting Personal Care
A loved one could be giving less attention to their personal hygiene and outlook. Not showering daily or appearing unkempt could be a sign that their care needs are changing. These could be signs of their inability to complete personal care tasks individually.
Dirty and Untidy House
If you notice that their home is dirty and untidy, this could be a sign that they are physically unable to clean or tidy up. Neglecting other areas that could be an element of pride such as a garden could also be a sign that they need help in maintaining their environment.
Socially Withdrawn
Changing relationships with friends and family through avoidance is an indication of changing needs. If they suddenly prefer to spend too much time by themselves and avoid social gatherings, there could be an underlying reason which if not identified could lead to depression or stress.
Family members need to carefully observe these changes and make decisions that will help improve a loved one’s life. If you need experienced and compassionate caregivers, get in touch with your reliable home care agency today.
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