Respiratory health among seniors is a significant health concern. There is an increased risk for lung-related illnesses and conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis, sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and decreased oxygen levels. The lung function among older adults takes a gradual decline; therefore, these tips can help improve respiratory health for seniors:

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Regular Physical Activity
Adding regular physical activity to your schedule through exercises or talking walks can improve an older adult’s respiratory health. Workouts can improve existing lung issues and prevent future issues. Low-intensity activities can help develop a proper exercise technique that will not cause other aging health issues.
Avoid Smoking
The fastest way to disrupt lung functioning among seniors is through smoking. Secondhand smoke can also cause poor respiratory health making it difficult for the lungs to function normally. Smoking can cause wheezing, tightness of the chest, coughing, and difficulty in breathing. To avoid these toxins, older adults should avoid smoking or secondhand smoke.
Get Pulmonary Function Tests
A test will determine the cause of the breathing problem and enable the physician to prescribe an effective treatment plan. In addition to this, these tests also determine the strength of the respiratory muscles. One can know how much air is taken in and out, and the lung’s ability to deliver blood and oxygen in the body.
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Maintain a Healthy Diet
Nutrient-dense foods will boost the immune system among older adults. A strong immune system can fight against any respiratory diseases. Weight management through proper nutrition also benefits the respiratory system by keeping breathing muscles strong.
Avoid Polluted Areas or Spaces
Environmental pollution can also affect the respiratory health of seniors. It is necessary to avoid spaces or areas known for frequent air pollution. Living near factories or industrial areas can increase the risks of respiratory diseases; therefore, older adults should avoid such areas.