When it comes to diabetes management for seniors at home, a well-oiled care coordination team is required to ensure the patient can live a comfortable and wholesome life. Diabetes among seniors is a growing problem as more than 25% of Americans over the age of 65 have diabetes according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Diabetes Management for Seniors at Home
Not only does Diabetes affect an individual’s quality of life, it increases the risk of infection. It can result in damaging the heart, nerves, kidneys and eyes. There is also an increased risk of dementia, falls and incontinence.
However, the good news is that diabetes can be managed at home. Diabetes management for seniors at home ensures that their blood sugar is at a safe level. By incorporating the following diabetes management tips, seniors can live a normal life with diabetes.

Makes Lifestyle Changes
Make Lifestyle Changes
The lifestyle choices that seniors make determine how they will live with diabetes. Decisions such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy and balanced diet and avoiding alcohol and smoking can go a long way in managing diabetes. Making these changes as a family can help seniors feel supported as they adjust to their new reality. It is also important to consult with the patient’s physician on exercise and diet, especially if they have any other underlying condition.
Coordinate Medication Management
Insulin is used to control diabetes and tracking a senior’s blood level is a full-time job. Most seniors are capable of tracking their sugar levels, however, some tend to forget and this could affect their brain function. Additionally, some even forget to take insulin, which calls for assistance with medication management. If family members are unable to administer insulin, they can consider the assistance of a caregiver.

Get Regular Full Body Tests
Get Regular Full Body Tests
Diabetes exposes the body to other health problems. It is therefore important for seniors to get regular full body tests and screening. This ensures that other organs in the body can function adequately even as the body fights diabetes. Screening for cancer is also important for diabetic seniors.
Practicing Stress Relief Techniques
Keeping stress at bay is crucial in diabetes management as it ensures the patient can focus on managing the condition without any other distractions. Simple activities such as yoga or meditation can go a long way for patients. In addition to this, picking up on hobbies or fun activities can also help keep the stress away.
Consider Professional Help
Sometimes the family can be overwhelmed when it comes to caring for a diabetic patient. This is understandable as a lot is required in diabetes management care. Therefore, considering professional help could make life easier for everyone involved. Even as you consider professional help, families are encouraged to learn as much as they can about diabetes management.

Diabetes Management for Seniors at Home
Diabetes management at home for seniors is a more viable option as it is less expensive and allows the patient to lead an independent and wholesome life. Families and caregivers can easily monitor the patient and track any changes that they might experience at home. Managing diabetes at home should be every family’s consideration among the available care options such as care facilities.
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