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The National Nurses Week this year honors nurses as Frontline Warriors. After the events of 2020, most of us now appreciate the role nurses play in hospitals, at home or assisted living facilities. The support they offered us during the pandemic not only reinforced how important nurses are, but it also reminded us to appreciate them and the work they do.
At a time when our healthcare system was under so much pressure, the dedication, sacrifice and compassion that our nurses demonstrated was the only hope for most families. In the midst of all the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, nurses remained at the frontline in the fight against COVID-19.

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“I am of certain convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.”
~Florence Nightingale
We honor those that we lost during this pandemic while in the line of duty. We are forever indebted to you for the risks that you took by providing care even when your safety was not guaranteed. Keep resting and watching over us from up above.

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“Mankind must make heaven before we can ‘go to heaven’ (as the phrase is), in this world as in any other.”
~Florence Nightingale.
Even as we recover from the pandemic, we need to appreciate and support our nurses for their critical ability to show up and give their all for their patients. Their bravery to come back and provide care all over again even when faced with disappointments and successes is a sign of resilience.
Immaculate Homecare Services celebrates all nurses providing care in hospitals, at home and in assisted living facilities and retirement homes. We acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and honor you for your bravery.
A Happy National Nurses Week

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