An aging or ailing loved one requires more care and assistance with their day-to-day activities. The choice to provide home care through a professional caregiver depends on the needs of the individual. Some need care around the clock, which provides the option of 24-hour care and live-in care. Both options work best for patients who require care all the time, especially those with limited independence. This article explains each care options, highlights their differences and similarities, and points out when each can be considered.
Live-In Care
This is the type of care where the caregiver lives in the client’s premises, without necessarily taking up residence within the home. The caregiver provides 24-hour care, and they could return to their own home or begin a continuous shift with the family. It limits care to one caregiver instead of a team of caregivers where the caregiver is given breaks within the care schedule. By having one caregiver present, clients build better and trusting relationships with their caregivers. Sometimes, caregiver burnout often arises, especially when the client needs 24-hour care; in this case, it is important to have a family member step in or a reliable caregiver for respite care. Before you decide on live-in care, please ensure your State provides this option as it varies in different States.
24-Hour Care
Like live-in care, 24-hour care is provided around the clock with two caregivers working for a 12-hour shift to cover the entire day. It is more flexible than live-in care as you can hire more than two caregivers for different shifts, which ensure maximum alertness during care. By having the 24-hour window divided into smaller hours, the other caregivers are energized and provide more attentive care to the client. 24-hour care is allowed in all the states within the American territory.
For the best 24-hour Home Care in Boston, contact us today!